Empowering Communities: Expert Nurse-Led Healthcare at Tuwharetoa Marae

Weaving together the people of Taupō moana rohe

Whiria te tangata o Taupō Moana (WTT) stands as a beacon of kaupapa Māori healthcare, led by Māori Nurse Practitioner and Prescriber, Hine Loughlin.

Our mission is deeply rooted in the principles of mana motuhake, striving to empower whānau through self-managed health and holistic well-being (hauora).

At Whiria Te Tangata o Taupo te Moana, we are more than a health service; we are a whānau. Led by dedicated Nurse Practitioners and supported by a team of health professionals including Registered Nurses, Clinical Pharmacists, and Kaiāwhina, we offer a holistic approach to healthcare. Operating across multiple locations in Turangi, Tokaanu, Waitahanui, and Taupo, we embody the principles of oranga whānau and empower our community to take control of their health journeys.

Nurse practitioners are highly-skilled nurses who have advanced education and clinical training and have completed their master’s degree. They often work in rural areas and underserved communities to ensure all people in New Zealand have access to healthcare.

Some nurse practitioners run their own clinics and can diagnose, order tests and prescribe treatments and medications. You can book an appointment with Whiria Te Tangata as you would with a GP.


Nurse Practitioners

Culturally Sensitive Care

At Whiria Te Tangata, our nurse practitioner clinics are dedicated to providing accessible, culturally sensitive healthcare tailored to the needs of our Māori community.

By adopting a holistic approach to health that aligns with the Hauora philosophy, we address physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, enhancing patient empowerment through education and participatory decision-making.

We are committed to overcoming barriers such as transportation challenges and historical mistrust. We strive to offer continuous, comprehensive care that integrates traditional values with modern medical practices, fostering long-term relationships and better health outcomes for our community.

Our Values

Whanaungatanga (Relationships)

We value the power of connections among individuals, families, and communities, building a strong, supportive network that uplifts everyone.

Manaakitanga (Care and Respect)

Our practice is rooted in the principle of caring for and respecting all, ensuring that our services are delivered with compassion, empathy, and understanding.

Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship)

We are committed to protecting and nurturing the health and well-being of our people and our environment, honouring our role as guardians for future generations.

Rangatiratanga (Self-Determination)

We empower individuals and whānau to take control of their health journey, supporting mana motuhake in all aspects of wellbeing.

Kotahitanga (Unity)

We stand united in our goals and efforts, working together as a team and community to achieve the best outcomes for our whānau.